At Applied Futures, our 12-month workshop program is thoughtfully crafted to integrate futures thinking into the core of your organization. Grounded in comprehensive academic research, our approach is both practical and forward-thinking, aimed at fostering a future-oriented mindset across your team.

Central to our approach is the cultivation of a diverse team, comprising individuals from various departments such as design, strategy, architecture, and engineering. This mix is instrumental in fostering a multidisciplinary perspective, essential for tackling the multifaceted challenges that modern organizations face. The diversity in backgrounds and expertise encourages a rich exchange of ideas, leading to more innovative solutions and a robust culture of foresight and strategic thinking.

Our workshops are tailored to facilitate creativity, strategic insight, and practical application. Set in spaces that stimulate thought and collaboration, these sessions are carefully planned to ensure an environment that is conducive to learning and innovation. The program balances immersive, in-person workshops with consistent online interactions and co-creation sessions, maintaining engagement and momentum throughout the course.

This blend of academic rigor and real-world application is what sets our program apart. We delve into the latest theories and models in futures studies and strategic foresight, while also providing hands-on experiences that translate these concepts into actionable strategies. Participants are not only educated but are also equipped with the tools and frameworks necessary to implement this knowledge within their own organizational contexts.

Moreover, our program is structured to foster continuous learning and adaptation. Recognizing that futures thinking is an evolving field, we ensure that our content and methodologies remain at the forefront of current research and practice. This approach not only enhances the relevance and effectiveness of our program but also prepares participants to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing business landscape.

In joining Applied Futures, your organization will embark on a transformative journey. Our program goes beyond traditional education - it's an investment in developing a culture that values foresight, embraces innovation, and is equipped to navigate the complexities and opportunities of the future. With Applied Futures, you are not just preparing for what's next; you're shaping it.

Participant Composition

A team consists of 6-12 individuals, selected from various departments of your company. Their skills can include design, strategy, architects, and engineering. This diverse group is crucial as they will serve as the ambassadors of futures thinking within your organization, fostering a culture of foresight and innovation across different levels and functions.

Workshop Venue

The workshops will be conducted at dedicated workspace, either within the company or, ideally at a separate venue. We recommend the facilities at the co-working space 'Nomad', located in the vibrant neighborhood of Nørrebro, Copenhagen. This setting is chosen for its conducive environment that stimulates creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, vital for engaging with futures studies and strategic foresight.

Workshops will be one full-day in-person workshop every 3-4 weeks, plus monthly 2-hour online check-ins and co-creating sessions.

Program Structure

Shaping Futures Within Your Organization

  • Introductory sessions on futures studies and strategic foresight.

    Exploration of key trends, signals, and drivers of change.

    Workshops focusing on scenario planning and speculative design.

  • Application of foresight methodologies within your organizational context.

    Development of future scenarios and strategic pathways.

    Hands-on integration of foresight with existing strategies.

  • Design thinking workshops for future product/service concepts.

    Iterative prototype development and feedback.

    Alignment of future visions with current product strategies.

  • Workshops on effective communication and advocacy of futures thinking.

    Strategies for maintaining a culture driven by foresight.

    Culmination with final presentations and future roadmaps for your organization.

Continuous Support and Iteration

Throughout the year, we offer ongoing support and expertise, ensuring the strategies and concepts developed are continually refined and stay aligned with your organization's evolving goals. Our commitment is to facilitate a transformative journey, embedding deep-rooted foresight into your organizational DNA.

Enroll in Our Program

To discover how this program can be tailored to your organization's specific needs and to explore the transformative impact of futures thinking, we invite you to fill out our contact form for more information. Engage with us, and embark on a journey to strategically navigate and shape the future of your organization.


  • The Applied Futures' 12-month workshop program aims to internalize futures thinking within organizations. It focuses on transforming perspectives and ingraining a future-oriented mindset across the organizational culture, ensuring that the approach to challenges is comprehensive and forward-looking.

  • The program is designed for a team of 6-12 individuals from various departments like design, strategy, architecture, and engineering. The diversity in skills and perspectives is crucial as these participants will become ambassadors of futures thinking, promoting a culture of foresight and innovation throughout the organization.

  • Workshops are conducted in a dedicated workspace, either within the company or at a separate venue like 'Nomad' in Copenhagen. The chosen venue, especially a creative and vibrant space like 'Nomad', is significant for stimulating creativity and enhancing engagement with futures studies and strategic foresight.

  • The program includes one full-day in-person workshop every 3-4 weeks, supplemented by 1-2 hour online check-ins and co-creating sessions on weeks without workshops. This structure ensures continuous engagement and progress in futures thinking and strategy development.

  • The program is divided into four phases:

    Months 1-3 focus on the Foundations of Futures Thinking.

    Months 4-6 concentrate on Strategic Foresight in Action.

    Months 7-9 involve Prototyping the Future.

    Months 10-12 are dedicated to Fostering a Foresight-Driven Culture.

  • Applied Futures offers continuous support and expertise throughout the year. This includes refining strategies and concepts to ensure they stay aligned with the organization's evolving goals. The aim is to embed deep-rooted foresight into the organizational DNA for long-term transformation.

  • Organizations interested in the program are invited to fill out a contact form to discuss how it can be tailored to their specific needs. This initial engagement is crucial for understanding the organization's unique context and aligning the program for maximum impact.